Christmas themed craft sale with home made gifts, crafts and treats available to purchase from a variety of vendors! Canteen will also be open with hot chocolate and snacks provided by the UMCA.
Our popular TRAVEL CLUB is happening again in Middle Musquodoboit! This program runs every 10 weeks beginning September 18th. A combination book club, cooking class, digital skills course, and social group, join us as we explore far away places from the comfort of our classroom. This program is completely FREE plus we will be providing a light lunch for our Wednesday Wanderers. Books and […]
Have you always been interested in photography? Would you like to learn more about the camera on your Smartphone, learn how to put together a shot list, and what settings to use to capture and edit your shots? Explore and photograph the similarities we share with nature and apply your shots to a calendar project using Canva. […]
Learn to tell a story with your photographs and apply your captures, headlines, photo captions and copy into an online Photo Story. All you need is a Smartphone. This is a free program but has limited space.