Veggie Pickup

Square Roots offers 10 lbs bags of veggies bi weekly to those in need for an affordable price .. discounted price or free when in need.

Memorial Christmas Tree Lighting

Donate to our memorial tree lighting and give the name of a lost, yet still loved, family member or friend that has passed on. Each name will be placed on […]

Board Meeting

Help make decision regarding the hall and it's activities.

Meals to Wheels

If you would like to come please contact Anita by Mon so we can prepare for accurate number and don’t waste any food.

Christmas Dinner

Turkey dinner with all the trimmings, tea, coffee and dessert, cash or card payment accepted, bar open.

Veggie Pickup

Square Roots offers 10 lbs bags of veggies bi weekly to those in need for an affordable price .. discounted price or free when in need.

Wednesday Wanderers

Our popular TRAVEL CLUB is happening again in Middle Musquodoboit! This program runs every week for 10 weeks beginning September 18th. A combination book club, cooking class, digital skills course, […]

We are Nature

Have you always been interested in photography? Would you like to learn more about the camera on your Smartphone, learn how to put together a shot list, and what settings to […]